Friday, April 10, 2015

Understanding Reflection and Refraction

Understanding Reflection and Refraction by Satya Reddy, India

making of english pub
Hello, everybody wazzup - here I'm going to show how to get reflection and refraction without anti-aliasing problem using Scanline renderer in 3ds max unfortunately it was done on 3ds max 2012 but the process is same in all the versions so let's start it.

1. Create a basic cube convert it into poly and extrude the opposite faces in order to get a nice bar shape and chamber the edges to smooth out with amount 16 in my case.

This is the final step for modifying the bar before we enter into the ParticleFlow. We can do any kind of shapes as you want.


2. Press "6" to open Particle View. Create a flow with a Birth event, Position Icon, Speed, Rotation, Shape Instance, Spin, Scale and Material Static.

particle flow

3. In the Birth Event, set Emit Stop and Emit Start to 0, and Amount to 60. In Position Icon Location to Volume and
Select Distinct Points Only to 10. In Speed, set as 300 var%0, Directions to Random 3D. In Rotation, Orientation Matrix to World Space.

With (X, Y, Z) = (70, 30,180), Divergence to 0. In Shape Instance, Particle Geometry Object select the bar just we created now.

Scale to 100% Var%0. In Spin, Spin Rate to 180 Variations to 45 Spin Axes to Random 3D. In Scale, type Relative First, Scale Factor (X, Y, Z) = (98, 98, 98).

Scale Variations: (X, Y, Z) = (116,116,116). In Materials Static as we didn't create now put some basic material for testing the scene. In the Display event, set Type to Geometry.

4. After doing the all things right, you will get something like this.

pf preview

5. Now Place you Text or Logo any kind of Stuff in the center of the particles.

text logo

6. We can see that the Particles are animating at this stage, Now select the frame where you want to show the Text in the Scene in my case I selected the frame 105.

105 frame

7. Now the particles are still animating and in order to stop the particles on 105 frame, we can do it in PFlow but it will be messy and the good idea is to Use Mesher tool. Goto the Compound Objects and select the Mesher draw the pyramid anywhere in the viewport.


8. Now go to the Modify panel of Mesher, select the pick Object none button and select the Particle FLow

pf source

9. Now we can see two particles in the viewport (ParticleFlow and Mesher) as we move the time slider both the particlesflow and mesher will animate together to break this chain simply right-click on the mesher particles and covert to poly.

editable poly

And we can switch off the particle flow as they are no longer required now or delete it and place static particles right in place of particle flow there.

Now adjust the particles if they colliding with text or logo, Delete it by going to PolySelection - element and select the one to delete, move, rotate, scale. It's time to make things good, create a Camera and adjust it for the part to view right.

10. Create three Omni lights and put in different directions with Ray Traced Shadows, Multiplier to 0.7, Color RGB: 245,245,245.

Omni Light positions 

Omni 001: X:-622.021 Y: 328.778 Z: 358.253,
Omni 002: X: 850.731 Y:-204.176 Z: 97.157,
Omni 003: X: 18.854 Y:-584.146 Z: 97.157.


11. Particle Material take empty slot...

Diffuse: RGB:150,150,150, Specular Level to 53, Glossiness to 55 and in Maps Reflection to Reflect/Refract,Refraction to Raytrace

Text Material Diffuse: RGB: 242, 247, 252. Specular Levels to 95, Glossiness to 16.

Now do a test render you can see the image is not good at all and we can see there is anti-aliasing problem.
3ds max

12. As you look closely to the final video below, you can see the text only in reflections on bars not directly to do that. Right-click on the text goto Object Properties uncheck the Visible to the Camera after doing this you will only see the text in the reflections only.

object properties

The Test Result

test result

13. To get a good result in the Final Render we should tweak some settings. I'm using Scanline render for this effect.

Go to Renderer tab in the Antialiasing Filter select – Mitchell-Netravali, Blur to 1.0

Global Super Sampling - Enable Global Supersampler and select Hammersley, Quality to 1.0.


Render the Scene and here's the Final Result.
That's it, I hope it's been informative.
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