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Batch Camera Render This script aims to replace standard 3dsmax's Batch Render and imitates Houdini Output Node workflow. Using it you c...
Building Autocad Complex Shapes in 3ds Max by Aziz Khan, Afghanistan Hey guys how are you all doing? Hope everyone doing well, once again ...
Making of W.A.S.P [ #Keyshot #Zbrush ] Marco Plouffe shares a tutorial showing fairly simple process in Zbrush, Keyshot and Pho...
Library Track / Relink... First working version available :) . Library Track / Relink... is similar to Bitmap Tracking / Resizing... . Wor...
Realistic Vegetation with Unique Materials ID for 3ds Max [ #3dsMax ] Lean how to create Realistic Vegetation by using Unique Mat...
Krakatoa for 3ds Max Basic LiDAR Workflows [ #Krakatoa #vfx ] Check out some of the basic workflows for loading, converting...
Create Brushed Metal with Vray in 3DS Max [ #Vray #3dsMax ] Johannes Tiner shows us how to create Brushed Metal with Vray in 3ds ...
thinkingParticles Hydrofield tutorial: Creating River Bed [ #3dsMax ] Joe Gunn shows us how to use Thinking Particles Hydro...
Making a feathered bird with Ornatrix for 3ds Max [ #3dsMax #Creature #Ornatrix ] in this tutorial we go over adding and configur...
Creating Leaves on the tree in GrowFX 1.9.9 for 3ds Max [ #GrowFX #3dsMax ] Learn how to use GrowFX 1.9.9 for 3ds Max to create lea...
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