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Sunday, October 18, 2015

Making a feathered bird with Ornatrix for 3ds Max

Making a feathered bird with Ornatrix for 3ds Max [ #3dsMax #Creature #Ornatrix ] in this tutorial we go over adding and configuring feathers to a character from scratch using powerful parametric tools in Ornatrix. The results are pipeline-friendly and configurable feathers you can easily utilize...

thinkingParticles Hydrofield tutorial: Creating River Bed

thinkingParticles Hydrofield tutorial: Creating River Bed [ #3dsMax ] Joe Gunn shows us how to use Thinking Particles Hydrofield to make a River Bed. Using the SmokeOps to do point rendering for Foam. Using TP 6.2 you can render the foam via the new Smoke Operators. ...

Realistic Vegetation with Unique Materials ID for 3ds Max

Realistic Vegetation with Unique Materials ID for 3ds Max [ #3dsMax ] Lean how to create Realistic Vegetation by using Unique Materials ID for 3ds Max - a small FREE script for 3dsmax to assign unique material ID to each element inside an object. Which you candownload here (Login Requ...


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